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Exclusive to BeBe Bold our panels are pre-stencilled eliminating the need to mark the fabric before starting to sashiko stitch.All the pre-stencilled markings wash off and each panel comes with a stitching guide and tips.We have two panel designs which have both been printed onto 5 different fabrics. 4 are printed onto tsumugi cotton and 1 onto an off-white good quality sashiko cotton.The panels can be made into blocks before stitching if desired to make quilts cushions framed as wall-hangings or divided into lengths to make table-runners.These sashiko panels are sure to give hours of creative joy.Dimensions: Approx. 110cm x 64cm per panelPrice per 9 Panel Bolt

BeBe Bold Sashiko Panel 1 Putty (9 panel bolt)

SKU: BBSP1-2501
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